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Push, Pull, & Pivot! Do NOT resign yourself to barreness

This is a powerful month to align in the revelation and breakthrough that God has timestamped in His word.

Here's the question: Have you resigned yourself to accept a loss of passion, life and fruitfulness in an area where God WANTS to break off that barrenness?

In this 2nd biblical month, at the bitter waters of Marah, God revealed Himself to Israel in this:

I AM God your Healer.

Yet for many today, the bitterness remains.

​​Jacob's wife, Leah, had many reasons to stay bitter.

As her father's pawn she was used to con seven years of labor out of Jacob. No wonder that he was distant and her sister competitive and critical.

Four sons she bore for Jacob but nothing drew him to her.

And now... Now she is barren.

But God says,

I am God your Healer.

Her path to break barrenness was not passive but an active partnership.

Like the son and tribe who will come from this breakthrough (Issachar,) Leah is one who discerned the time and season and knew what to do.

She pushes back, pulls upon, and then pivots into the future. (Details in replay)

What about us? Where has fruitfulness turned barren? Can you hear Him speak to that now?

But note: This process is NOT for the faint of heart for whom resignation in weariness is disguised as some good and godly thing.

'Ah....those were the days...'

This is, perhaps, one of THE most deadly curses we can speak upon ourselves.

Please do not presume to accept a season of barrenness as the final pronouncement on that part of your life.

God wants to rekindle, restore, and rejuvenate what once was key in your life with Him.

Watch the replay. Seek His face. See what He shows you and then, DO THE WORK.

PUSH back, PULL upon, and PIVOT into the restoration.

There's a new work in you: A restoration and new beginning that the King requests and requires. ​

This IS a time to break through barrenness. Choose it.


Full replay of the Deck teaching, click here. Go to the YouTube Channel for The Freedom Outpost for all Deck replays and to subscribe to updates/new videos as they are available

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