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When a watchman speaks...

While working in DC, my company obtained a prime real estate project with a stunning location that was both strategically significant and immensely desirable. Just one problem: The land was toxic from decades of industrial use. No one had deliberately set out to pollute it but the manner in which it was used brought consequences. It would remain a blight and not a blessing until the pollution was addressed. Soil mitigation and restoration is not cheap or fast. Time. Money. Focus. Persistence. And then more of the same, again and again. But when it was done....Totally worth it.

In like manner, careless or deliberate acts on a given piece of land can create spiritual pollution that must be mitigated for it to move from blight to blessing. Last night, Daphne Swilling returned once more to bring us up to speed and keep us in the loop on key issues faced in this state. The stakes are high, not simply for Georgia, but for others within the nation for this state has a governmental anointing and what happens here rolls beyond our borders. Meanwhile, the clock has been ticking like a lit fuse.

The biblical principle is simply this: Roots of a polluted past form the seeds of current crisis and the trajectory of future failures. Owning up to the acts injustice that created these roots is not easy and few are willing so to do. But the 'can' has been kicked down the road long enough and God is uprooting that which was not of Him.

Daphne serves a watchman who calls us to stand on the wall to shift the hearts of key decision makers by prayer. In so doing we enter into a stream from a spring dug long ago. It was the Moravians that kindled the lampstand of prayer in this state 250 years ago. Now we enter into alignment with those prayers. What they cried for but never saw, we will see in this generation. Stephen Full replay, click here. For info on Daphne and her ministry, click here.

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