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The 3-Tier Attack to Trap You in Wilderness

Do you think that the current day institutional church is moving in all that God has intended for her? either. What about you and me? Are we moving in all that God intends for us? Israel's failure to get out of the wilderness and enter into the full Promise is no different than how we fail so to do. Last night we covered a number of the key factors that play out in this. Here's just one.

There is a three-tier attack shown in Numbers 13 and 14. These attacks build upon each other to sabotage the crossing.

  • An attack against the Promise of God. ("It's not as good as you thought.")

  • An attack on the Ability of God. ("He's not going to make it happen.")

  • An attack on the Character of God. ("He brought us this far just to hang us out to dry.")

Some 3500 years later those same attacks hold back most of the church. No wonder many are wandering in a wilderness rather than moving in the fullness God intended.

BTW: Typically these attacks are so subtle we never notice. They seem like just 'innocent' statements or questions. Yet they are deadly and kill confidence in what God has promised, how He'll bring it to pass, and His desire to do so.

The consequences to Israel's refusal looks like what is manifesting in churches across the nation and in the lives of many believers: Sure, they're still fed, led, and protected by God, but... The path is marked by the slow death of the older generation and any forward movement is really in circles, again and again and again.

Hebrews states 'we must be extremely careful to ensure that we all embrace the fullness of that promise and not fail to experience it.' (Chap 4 - Passion Translation) Let me cut to the chase on this one point: Many of us struggle to see or discern just what promise is before us so we may enter into it. Please get this: The three-tier assault has been so effective that the clarity of your specific promise can be but a vague and veiled shadow. "Is that really for me? How could that possibly happen? Maybe God just doesn't want that for me?" Promise. Ability. Character. See how that works? Jesus commands that we ask, seek, and knock. Pull back the dark swirl of thoughts, emotions, and questions and ask Him to show you what is before you next.

He will show you the promise in scripture and link it to your situation. Be persistent. Let go your presumptions. Let Him speak. He's faithful to answer. It's time to cross out of your wilderness and into that promise. Stephen Tons more on the replay that may help you, click here.

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