The Gentleness of Authentic Authority - Doris Wagner on Deliverance

Some people dazzle you with style and flair. Some with a clever turn of phrase, impassioned presentation or nuanced vocabulary. As for me, I usually have to work hard to get passed that distraction to hear what the Lord is saying. No challenge of that with Doris.... THANK GOD! There is a kind of gentleness in the authentic authority of one who knows who they are because they really, really, really know Who God Is. It is a kind of understated confidence that eliminates any need or desire or attempt on their part to impress others. And that leaves an impression. You know 'in your knower' that God's wisdom and authority are at work in and through them and it leaves a lasting mark on your soul. Last night was an honor to have Doris teach on deliverance basics or what she likes to call, Deliverance for Dummies. Funny, direct, candid and fully present, God linked her heart to ours. Watch the replay. Enjoy and learn. It may be that God will move you into that field. But even if not, let the imprint of gentle, authentic authority give you a benchmark for your own life. Stephen Replay, click here. Links for Doris Wagner: Wagner University. ISDM PS: No Deck next week: Happy Thanksgiving!