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Just a wee bit of wind...

So sorry you missed it. Last night at The Deck the wind rocked...and knocked out the electric power just as we were about to begin. Some quick adjustments to the pitch black and we pressed on. And, just like Jehovah Sneaky, that's when the real power started to roll. Funny what candlelight and lanterns, worship and word, prophesy and prayer can do with a group of rain-soaked, Spirit-saturated people. God showed up and the weight was palpable. It was like the early gatherings of the Body - storm outside, Spirit inside - moving and causing all things to work together for good. Everyone had a song, hymn, psalm, word of prophecy, testimony or encouragement. There was joint intercession and warfare - the releasing of blessings and life. All so engaging that when the lights finally came on, it was decided to shut them off and stay in the move of the Spirit. Sorry there's no replay. You just had to be here. But, then again, He's with you now, so... If there's been 'just a wee bit of wind' blowing through your life and it feels like the power's gone out, then maybe tonight is your time to douse the lights and meet the King in the quiet by candlelight? Worship. Pray. Eat. Drink. Laugh. Listen. Lean in. His Heart is for you and you are missed. Listen for His wind in the trees and move into the Presence. Stephen If you're needing a bit of Deck fix, please see what replays you may have missed on the YouTube channel.

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