You gotta watch this - You'll thank me

So, this is (relatively) brief because I wanted you to have the link for the replay asap. Author Ruthie Young did a phenomenal job communicating about the redemptive gifts of Romans 12. I like to call them your 'wiring' because it's how you see and process things. But the reason you need to watch the replay is that God uses Ruthie in a very unusual way... There is an amazing heart-imprint that happens as you watch. (Hard to describe but you will get it.) This is an overview and introduction to the gifts and this Saturday, Mar. 14 - 9 to 3 she will dive into the specifics on each wiring. There is no charge to attend and lunch will be provided. If you plan to attend it is critical that you watch the replay first so you have the context. Also: If you haven't already, please let us know you plan to attend. Meanwhile, enjoy this teaching and please pass it along to others. See you Saturday. Stephen Watch the replay, here. BTW - If you have read Ruthie's book, please post a review on Amazon. It's important.