Punch Today in the Face

It's an extraordinary time to serve our extraordinary God. We cannot navigate the current state of crazy as the world does. YOUR world is watching how you respond. As my father taught me, 'What you are speaks so loudly I cannot hear what you say.'

Are you responding distinctively? How so? Last night at The Deck I walked us through two basic areas: The larger prophetic context within God's time. Specific things we can do to punch today in the face.

This is a practical teaching with recommendations of what to do now to reflect how your heart is aligned with God. When so many are running around like their hair's on fire, we chose to pause rather than panic.

We tried to stream this live via Facebook last night....Yeah, not so good on that. My apologies. Not sure if it was on our end or theirs but the replay works fine.*

As you ingest so many points of information today, may this be a counter balance that brings you before Him. Watch the replay. Use the tools. Recalibrate your head and heart. Get perspective. Keep the diet. And punch today in the face. Stephen Watch replay of Deck teaching here. One-Minute Pause app I mentioned. * You'll notice some occasional crazy lighting changes on my face from that box in the replay. The camera was shooting the screen and me at the same time for the live stream and it kept adjusting to the brightness of the screen. Probably no problem for you but it bugs the snot out of me.