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He Is With Us But We Must Prepare

You know the critical nature of this time in the natural. It's also structurally significant in the Spirit. We're 5 days away from Passover - a pivotal event unlike any Passover we've experienced.

So, are you prepared to cross? There is a danger zone involved. In biblical history we see that the danger for Israel was intensified in the time just before and just after crossing over. Whether crossing over into freedom or over into destiny: The danger of lacking the right heart and mindset are real.

Last night at the Deck, we looked at God's directives to Israel in preparation for both crossings. There are real and practical areas of focus that are drawn down from the directives in Ex. 12 and Joshua 3.

Since you may have a little extra time on your hands, might as well watch the replay and glean what the Spirit is saying through the Word for right now.

In addition, we were honored to have Pastor Bonface Simani here from Kenya. Bonface is a remarkable servant of God - you'll want to hear and engage who he is and what he does. (Please pray the way open for him to return home. He's been here a month and there is critical work that must be maintained,*) Having him here and now was an absolutely necessary recalibration that we all need, lest we think whatever we go through now is overwhelming.

So, I know, none of us are taking these times lightly. The changes now before us are not simply seasonal until things go back to normal. But God has set us in place for this time - He's trained us to look for changes and shifts each and every month and season. Be prepared - Align in this time so you cross over Passover well in this watershed moment in history. Stephen Replay of the Deck teaching, here. (No sound issues - apparently a FB live stream issue last night.) For more information on donating to the Kenya ministry/COMIDO School, go to the Facebook page - *Their school, like all ours, are temporarily closed due to the COVID-19 threat. That's a particularly painful deal since this school is how 182 get fed each day.) Checks can be made payable and sent to: Twenty8/Twenty7 PO Box 636 Fate TX 75132

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