We Must See Clearly the Breaking In of Kingdom

Crazy times. Challenging times. Scary times. But we are NOT to see things in the natural; We are to discern with a Kingdom mindset so we align with His movement on the earth.

The Kingdom IS breaking forward in places and ways that make us uncomfortable. That is not His problem - but it is ours.

God did not cause the COVID crisis. He did not cause George Floyd to die. But He IS moving through these dynamics to shift hearts, minds, prayers and the culture to align with His Heart's desire - His Kingdom agenda.

This teaching was a hard one for me - painful even. It's about The Kingdom coming in ways we desperately need but often do not understand. The enemy is afraid and very active to hijack what God intends: Be aware. Be discerning. Stay in Him so you have eyes to see and ears to hear. I invite you to watch the replay and allow the Spirit to show you how His Breath is moving on the earth. He revealed it in advance so that we would align with Him. Stephen Replay of The Flight Deck teaching on YouTube. Replay of worship and all on Facebook.