God Drops His Plumb Line

The Day of Atonement is Monday.
God drops His plumb line, yet again, into the midst of His own people.
Atonement requires a Scapegoat and Sacrifice, both of which The Holy God provides. And in this very act He asserts afresh that He demands genuine holiness of His people.

To be holy is to be set aside, as our relationship with Him is a marriage covenant and one of consummate claim upon us.
Jesus did not die simply to 'save' us but that we might live 'behind the veil' in an intimacy and fidelity that few dare believe they may embrace or, perhaps, endure.

Yet He makes the way.
Our dear friend Jim Shadrick frequently quoted, "To get one good marriage, it takes two good funerals."
To enter this level with Him always requires a death to the standards of the world and even our own.
We need not be afraid but we must be willing to pass through the veil to enter and live in that atmosphere.

Last week I was rather stunned to learn that the magnetic north pole of the earth moves and has greatly accelerated as of late. Â
Clearly, many things are shifting violently in the earth and any 'compass' that orients us by those things is subject to these shifts. Â
Yet God's plumb line, anchored in the heavens, remains relentlessly resolute and fixed.

Monday IS monumental. Allow Holy Awe to arise.
Seek and ask Him how you may acknowledge His Plumb Line, His Presence, His Holiness Here. Now.
What will you set aside that day? Will you enter behind the veil, have a good funeral and allow His Glory to permeate you?
Consider just what would happen if ALL His people would do this.
'You are to be holy because I AM Holy."
God drops His Plumb Line.
Replay of this teaching on YouTube.
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