Take Your Assigned Position - War from Victory

There is a kind of 'flood' coming that aligns with the biblical calendar and it will break open the evening of Nov. 3rd.
YOU have a both an important role and a key responsibility leading up and going through that time.

God has outlined a specific and relevant strategy for the current battle. The 300 in Judges 7 forms the template.
1. Take your position in the Lord. In the natural, this can be in your prayer closet, car, wherever. In the Spirit, your position is in Him and in the heavenlies. (Eph. 2) (He may also show you a place, in the Spirit and/or natural, where you take a position around the camp of the enemy.)

2. Break the jar, release the Light. By the Spirit, see the Fire of God, His Light and Life, that radiate from your inner man/woman.
See the ‘jar’ of your soulishness that surrounds and often restricts that radiance. Choose to break that jar – shatter it so that the Light and Life and Fire are visible.

3. Sound your shofar. You are an instrument that is both divine and human. It is the breath of the Spirit moving through you that releases the sound of heaven in the language of angels.
Let your prayer language in the Spirit be released.

4. Declare His Word. When we declare His Word out loud as directed, THINGS ARE MOVED.
Bring to Him 'frictionless thinking.' His ways are extraordinary and sometimes just plain strange. Do not let the friction of your assumptions stand in the way.
Still not sure what to declare? 'I declare that your Your Kingdom is expanding in power, Grace, and Truth, in this city, state and nation!’

5. Stand your ground. As chaos breaks out and grows, do not be alarmed or moved off your assignment by those.
Do not surrender the place that God has given you to stand.
Continue daily as one of the 300 and stand, even in the dark, against the gate of the enemy, releasing light, sound, and declarations.
Through it all, remember this: He's already given the victory into your hand.
What remains is your part. Stephen Replay of this teaching on YouTube. Replay of the full Flight Deck on Facebook. Listen to the audio from the Prayer Call with Dutch Sheets, Mary Glazier, etc. VERY encouraging.