The Way Through Chaotic Transitions
What are you choosing right now? Is it joy or is it stress? Are you even aware of that choice?
Last night was a firehose. John 14 is deep water but we grabbed some keys to get us through the ‘messy middle’ of chaotic transitions that we’re in.
Let’s focus on just one key anchored in the first verse, ‘Do not let your hearts be troubled: Believe in God – believe also in Me.’
With all the troubling news blowing around the atmosphere, God reminds us that we have the power to choose what informs and drives our heart.
To choose that 'churn' is death. To choose joy is life.
But here's the rub: Most of us are simply so busy reacting to all the chaos (unconsciously) that we don’t even see that fear, anxiety, and depression lie beneath it all.
These 4 steps may help: Pause. Breathe. Ponder. Choose.
The key is that we have to stop and take a step back to be able to look at our heart.
Try it now: Pause: Step back from the hurry.
Breathe: Take a deep breath and slowly exhale.
Ponder: What’s stirring in your gut? Close your eyes and pay attention: Are you submitting to anxiety, sadness, something else?
Now, make a deliberate decision and choose.
Choose what? Try this.
Say out loud, ‘I choose joy.’
Say it again, slowly and with intent: ""
Did you feel things shift?
John 14 is also where Jesus says, ‘My peace I give to you – not as the world gives.’
Choose that Peace, with a capital 'P.'
'I choose Peace.'
Boatloads more on the replay: Tools and perspectives to help you walk through chaotic transitions.
Stay rightly focused. Be deliberate. Choose well.
And stay dangerous for good.
Replay of this Deck teaching on YouTube.
Full replay of the entire Flight Deck on Facebook.