It's time...IF His people will pray

There's a move of God afoot...
A stirring by the Spirit for reconciliation and restoration.
And the state of Georgia has a pivotal roll to play for the nation.

Daphne Swilling of Peregrini International joined us at The Deck last night to detail this specific part of God's current agenda.
He's moving on the hearts of governmental leaders so they will address the broken covenants against the first peoples of this land.
You know the biblical precedent from when David had to deal with a drought because Saul had broken covenant with the Gibeonites years before. (2 Sam 21)
The principle is still at work and not to be ignored. There comes a time when those in the line of succession must address the mistakes of the past.
That time is now.
But this is not a political issue - it is a spiritual one with real world impact that cannot be overstated.

For those of you who've been aligned with us, this is not a new kind of work but an extension.
Many of you have prayed for and over this region, spent hours in identificational repentance and declaration in order to see blessing restored and reconciliation accomplished.
This is simply the next part of that assignment - to watch and pray for this, in accordance with God's direction.
Watch the replay and become an informed intercessor: Hear how other states have already moved on this but now Georgia is the 'tipping point' so that the floodgates open.
You don't have to be some kind of major prayer warrior - but you do need to pray.
The assignment for Gideon's 300 was clearly NOT about their skill, but it was about their obedience and God moved on behalf of the entire nation.
The full replay of the Deck teaching is here.
For more information on Daphne's ministry and assignment, click here. Go to our YouTube Channel for The Freedom Outpost to see all The Deck replays and to subscribe for immediate updates on new videos.