Be in the feast - not in the rush
It's a challenge: To not get pulled into the 'cultural soup' during this time of year.
To help us, Jesus releases a word 'during the Feast of Dedication,' (John 10, 'Hanukkah') and it confronts us all with the question of Who He is and How He is compared to our expectations.
How are we conforming to the pressures rather than standing in God?
How are we doing with unmet expectations?
What do WE do when we have 8 days of darkness in front of us and only 1 day of oil?
Silent night/holy night? More like an invasion behind enemy lines
You can find the full teaching from Thursday by clicking here.
Meanwhile, watch the short vid - see what God stirs up in you. I throw out a lot in that short time - grab one item and let God speak.
Don't be pressured into the cultural agenda but find your place to stand and declare, 'Enough!'
PS: Thanks for your prayers on these...
Women Aglow meeting in Waycross on Saturday went well. Thanks for the coverage.
I'm back out at the prison tonight. minister - not to stay.)
We'll celebrate the start of the new biblical month this Thursday at The Deck.
The Strategic Prayer Team meets next Monday night.
3 Min Truth shot click here.
Replay of the last Deck click here.
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