Joy's strange path: When we're the bait in God's trap

There IS increased joy on the way...
But His way is just....well, you know - different and sometimes....downright unnerving.
How do I know? The bible tells me so.
Watch this 70 sec video for a quick illustration of what's going on.

Naphtali is the tribe linked to this month. His name shows us this theme: 'wrestle to prevail.'
'Jehovah-Sneaky' elevates His people at one point in order to draw out the enemy's attack.
We be the bait.

Barak (Judges 4/5) is of Naphtali. His leadership comes into sharp focus by Deborah's prophetic word.
But the prophetic MUST also have 'skin in the game.' No more 'arm chair' quarterbacks.
Only when he agrees to act and she agrees to go, do the prophet and apostle combine. The 'intel' and the 'general' move out.
The enemy is finally drawn up and out and into a place where God will crush him to bring freedom.

(BTW - the book of Esther is also linked into this month and God uses the same tactic.)
I believe we will see how God is active this way all around us: your life, mine, the church and in the nation.
Watch what happens these next 2 months.
But don't just watch - What role(s) do you play?
Have some direction from the Lord? Will you speak it? Will you go 'all in' to back it up?
Have a leadership role? Will you listen? Will you respond? Will you be okay if glory goes to another?
Hidden in a 'back tent' and out of alignment with those who have messed up their connection? Will you act to deal with the problem and get them back in order?
This is a time of divine re-order. But God's process often exposes a dangerous presence.
Agree with Him and get in sync with His strategy.
There is a trap set - but it's not for you.
Let joy increase.
70 sec Truth Shot here.
Full teaching is here.
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