Time to Clear That Toxic Atmosphere You've Tolerated

Because the Lord your God walks in the midst of your camp...therefore, your camp must be holy so that He may not... turn away from you. (Dt 23.)
We fight hard to guard our hearts, minds, and bodies from things that pull us away from God: Yet sometimes we don't give our living quarters the same awareness and protection.

Last night, Kim provided an overview with specific praxis to help us identify and address what may be creating a toxic atmosphere where we live.
Our ignorance is certainly not bliss; it's a blindside blitzkrieg of the enemy to steal, kill, and destroy.

For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open. (Lk. 8)
By applying the Word in a walk with the Spirit, He will detect and direct how to identify and resolve 'hotspots' to be addressed.

It's really not rocket science, nor high spiritual ground: It's simply a disciplined walk.
Below is a link to the document Kim walked us through last night. Print it out when you watch the replay so you can follow along.

Then simply pray and start the process as you walk with Him. It's not legalistic - it's freeing
Don't be alarmed. He's with you in this.
Don't be overwhelmed. Take one step at a time.
Don't discount it. The enemy would far prefer it if you did.
God is giving you the tools so that your 'camp' is anointed, in covenant, and holy... as are you.
Clear that toxic atmosphere you've tolerated so you can breathe freely and fully again.
Replay of this Deck teaching is on YouTube.
Replay of the entire Flight Deck is on Facebook.