A Cry of the Heart - An evening of worship with Jimmie Black

You know that old adage, 'Man, you should have been here!'
That's what it was for all of us who were here last night to hear Jimmie Black.
Jimmie brought us into a deep heart connection with the Father's heart. If you watch the full replay you'll see how we end up sitting around in a circle in the presence of the Lord reflecting what we were hearing God say in this time.
Quiet, gentle, significant.
For those of you accustomed to watching the replay - don't freak out that this is 2 hours. If you want, just dip in a bit and listen and let it wash over you.
Then you can go and download some of Jimmie's music via his website link here.

We got to pray over him at the end and invest into the deeper and wider use that God has for him.
Friday sundown we crossed over the 9th day of God's 5th biblical month. It's known as the 9th of Av and it marks a significant breaking point.
Let it break open a new day for you.
Full replay, click here.
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