SHIFT the STRATEGY in this season
Wow! The Deck was overflowing last night in every way: House, worship, and revelation released. Awesome.
Author Ruthie Young took us back briefly to God's 7 types of 'wiring' imprinted upon individuals. (Per Romans 12.)
She reminded us how each has strengths and dangers and all are needed for the Body to move forward.
Then she demonstrated how each of these 7 types have had a major manifestation in history.
Each time the church was likewise engaged, sometimes for good...sometimes not so much.
The church has often struggled to find the right role in each season.
Here's what is critical RIGHT NOW:
We are now in the 7th season - a time linked to the Mercy Wiring.
A 'Mercy Season' therefore, is about deep, relational connections. It is about a hunger to be fully engaged, heard and responded to as an individual from the heart.
It's not about being soft and mushy (as mercy's are also pretty quick to pull out the sword,) but it is about meeting people where they are and speaking from a place of relationship.
Distant platitudes just ain't gonna get it done.
It's not a season about grand, sweeping messages to vast stadiums of people. (Though they have a place.)
It is not about hierarchical structures. (Though they can have their place, also.)
It's not about universalism or reduced biblical standards of truth and life.
It is about one connecting to another - taking the time to hear, to hear well, heart-to-heart, and earn the right to act and then speak
Some businesses have 'caught this' and are succeeding accordingly.
Meanwhile, the church? Well...
Many are still stuck in a model that worked fine in an earlier era but are missing this opportune time and focus.
Here's the point:
No matter what your personal 'wiring' is, YOU ARE NEEDED to make it work.
'Mercy-wired' leadership wants ALL the various wirings to work as they are wired and to work together, anchored in the Father's heart.
"Mercy's" are NOT out to rule or control. They simply want to get everyone deployed where and how they can best represent King and Kingdom.
How will YOU walk in this KEY TIME in the earth? Will you connect beyond your comfort zone?
We know that this little 'band of the boldly broken' is aligned for this specific season. But we need to press deeper.
This Sunday at 5 PM Kim and Esther Tubbs are convening a conference call to pray into this very area for 30 minutes.
Please consider joining the call: What DOES God have before us as He moves this way in the earth?
Call in on 515-739-1403, When prompted, enter access code: 44 53 86
We need all your 'wirings' in on this.
PS: If you'd like to connect with Ruthie and Billie Joe, we're having an open house for them Saturday from 1 to 4.
Come and bring your questions - build the connection.
Replay of this Deck, Part One, click here. (Intro and review of 7 wirings)
Replay of this Deck, Part Two, click here. (The 7 seasons and how the church responded and how a Mercy season needs be addressed.)
Below are the list of the audio only replays from when Ruthie taught here last year on the 7 different wirings:
Part 1 - Intro and overview (38 min: click here to listen.)
Part 2 - The prophet/perceiver wiring ( 21 min: click here to listen.)
Part 3 - The servant wiring (19 min: click here to listen.)
Part 4 - The teacher wiring (35 min: click here to listen.)
Part 5 - The exhorter wiring ( 39 min: click here to listen.)
Part 6 - The giver wiring ( 34 min: click here to listen.)
Part 7 - The ruler wiring ( 23 min: click here to listen.)
Part 8 - The mercy wiring ( 37 min: click here to listen.)
Part 9 - Q and A and Wrap Up ( 59 min: click here to listen.)
Remember that you can get Ruthie's book, Your Destiny-His Glory: The How and Why of Your Design at Amazon. Click here.
For more on Billie Joe and Ruthie's ministry, click here. Go to the YouTube Channel for The Freedom Outpost for all Deck replays and to subscribe to updates/new videos as they are available.