Want to advance? Attend these 8 threads in 3 cords

There is a tapestry, a kind of matrix, that God re-weaves and re-presents to us each year.
A three-fold cord that demonstrates how God's people did and will continue to advance as individuals and groups.
Too often we're stuck in patterns and habits that engage only one cord, maybe two.
By God's design, it is the third that completes the package and thereby triggers the traction and our full engagement with and in the world.

It is a huge challenge for most to understand how this third cord works: Typically, we think in modes too religious and restricted.
The third cord brings a focus on securing a permanent Presence in the marketplace in order to summon the nations to Him.
God's pattern is to BREAK INTO new territory by the first two cords but then He secures the land by the third.
Why should that surprise us?
Even in His identity as Father, Son and Holy Spirit, it is His Third Cord, the Spirit, that moves in traction with us and the world to establish the Kingdom.

If this is too vague or unclear, no worries, the replay will fill in the gaps.
There's more on the eight threads that make up the three-fold cord: A kind of checklist to for what may be missing in our lives, a group, or a church.
For now, hear this critical piece of encouragement:
All these are ALREADY IN your spiritual DNA.
When you were grafted into the root structure, these cords and threads were establish within you.
What remains is for you to allow God to pull them up so you express them out.
Please, please go after this.
YOU are necessary; You have assignments that are unique to and for you.
Angels watch and wait.
Creation groans in expectation for this to be revealed through you.
Full replay of The Deck teaching, click here.
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