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New beginnings in a break out year

Just came back from a special gathering of Flight Deck Discipleship at the prison. It was a PHENOMENAL time.

Our entire team (13) was blown away by what they heard, saw and felt the Holy Spirit doing in these men and through these men. (More on that will have to wait - but know that your prayers hit the target.)

So....Last night at the Deck - Some points to watch this month:

God will shut some in to new vessels / wineskins / org structures / and companies.

These have been developing over years and it's time to let Him close out old ties to set you aside and apart.

But for most of us, it's different. It's a time for what's been 'perking' in us (or in those structures) to come out and walk into a new beginning. It's been hidden away long enough.

Don't let it hold you back that it took so long to build or that it felt 'safe.'

Time to exit the aircraft - Don't overstay when God says to go.

God will show many of us something that we must be willing to forget so we can move forward.

He usually triggers this by His overwhelming grace breaking in and over.

He can cause you to forget...if you're willing.

A warfare strategy to watch is linked to the Gideon 300 - particularly the smashing of the clay vessels to release the light.

This is about places where your fire has been burning, but hidden, by design.

That was for a time and a reason but now it's time to shatter what's been concealing it and release the light.

Stay dangerous for the King.


Full replay of The Deck teaching, click here. Go to our YouTube Channel for The Freedom Outpost to see all The Deck replays and to subscribe for immediate updates on new videos.

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