God's Command to Party: Will You Obey?

Some of God's commands are instinctive to follow. Some are challenging. Some are painful.
And some are, well, unexpected or just plain strange.
The Feast of Tabernacles begins at sundown tonight:
His directive is that you party.

What? Yup - celebrate like it's a grand wedding feast. Great food, fun, friends, dancing - and hearty laughs.
And do so for seven days. Really? Yes.
Don't get wrapped around the axles on this by being legalistic. We're not under the law.
But do not just blow this off as something no longer relevant or for this time.
Pay attention so you receive ALL He's trying to give you.

Here are four parts/steps to help you enter into the joy He has set before you.
First, look back and remember the times and days when you were in awe, wonder, and dramatic dependence upon Him and His unabridged faithfulness.
It was, perhaps, unnerving, but it carried a sweet and special joy. Remember?
Then pivot and ponder what's coming (soon!) at the great wedding celebration of the Lamb. (Rev 19.)
Don't be vague. Read. Meditate. Visualize. Let it stir your heart and mind. (Think of the most joyful celebration you've ever seen and amp it up exponentially.)

Next, hold those two touch points and then anchor your heart in this immediate moment, and choose to believe.
Choose to be in joy.
Yes, joy is an emotion. But it is chosen...or not.
This joy is sourced in His deep heart. And that deep heart is set within you.
'It is something that you release from confinement within you.'
If there was ever a time we need a good party - a great celebration - and let loose a good belly laugh - THIS IS IT!
Watch the replay. There's a lot of joy in it. Let the Spirit connect the dots between His directive and your obedience.
Seize the moment and let His party begin!
Replay of this teaching on YouTube.
Replay of the whole evening on Facebook. (It was crazy good.)
PS: No 'normal' Flight Deck next week. (Yeah....Like we ever have one of those.)
Two parties will be held instead. Details to follow.